HPAI in Australia 22 May 2024

Yesterday Australian was the only continent free of the current strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.

Today, unfortunately, a poultry farm in Victoria is awaiting confirmation of the strain of confirmed Avian Influenza. The poultry farm has been quarantined while they are awaiting test results.
(Agriculture Victoria)

See either of these sites for what you need to do if you suspect HPAI or see large numbers of dead and dying birds or other animals

Michelle Wille Avian Influenza Resources

Wildlife Health Australia Avian Influenza in Wild Birds

What is the difference between highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and low pathogenic AI?

Highly pathogenic refers to the potential for the virus to kill poultry. Wild birds may be infected by most strains of AI which are not highly pathogenic. Low pathogenic strains can mutate into a HPAI  which infects wild birds and poultry alike and may cause death.




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