The latest version of the WSAVA Guidelines for vaccination of dogs and cats provides peer-reviewed advice for practitioners in helping to reduce the incidence of preventable, infectious diseases. Some of the vaccines, such as Rabies and Leptospirosis, are important as they contribute to reducing the incidence of potential transmission to humans because of their zoonotic disease status. Other vaccines, such as canine parvovirus (CPV,) may be responsible for prolonged hospitalisation, patient death, and/or transmission of a healthcare-associated infection if a positive dog is triaged and managed inappropriately on presentation to a veterinary practice.
The image is from The Public Domain Review and features a painting of monster from 1802 – the monster is being fed baskets of infants which are excreted entire with horns – the fear of vaccination allowed individuals to have vivid imaginations. Etching by Charles Williams, 1802